Share Your Experience

We need your story and experience!   If you are now resettled in South Dakota, why not tell others of your experiences and life in our state?

There are so many that have landed in the wrong places in the United States thinking these places would be heaven.  Instead of prosperity, they encounter hardship: exorbitant rent, relentless financial struggles, and pervasive crime. Their American dream quickly turns into a nightmare, leaving them feeling isolated, destitute, and longing for their homeland.

“I would tell anyone coming to New York to take off their rose-colored glasses,” Kseniia Nadvotska said. “You have to work so much just to pay your bills, your living expenses. To get a driver’s license. For a single parent and a child, it’s impossible.”  (From Bloomberg article – 80% of Ukrainians dream of returning to Ukraine)

There are many other Kseniia’s out there.   Some 380,000 Ukrainians have come to the US on U4U.   Most have never heard of South Dakota or experienced the better life offered here.   

Ukrainians need to hear it from other Ukrainians.

Will you please take a couple of minutes to answer just TWO simple questions?   If possible, video is the most powerful, but even audio or written testimonials are great!   Feel free to use your native Ukrainian language and just be yourself.  🙂

Freedom's Haven of SD

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South Dakota workforce

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