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South Dakota’s vibrant economy has expanded at such a pace that we have more job opportunities than our local workforce can fill. With over 25,000 job vacancies, competitive salaries, and the absence of personal income tax, South Dakota is an ideal destination for motivated individuals ready to embark on a new professional journey.
The mission of Freedom’s Haven organization is to welcome legal immigrants, refugees, and others to South Dakota. We are committed to bridging these employment gaps by assisting talented individuals from across the globe in their relocation to our thriving state.
South Dakota is the №1 choice for Ukrainian refugees in the United States, offering various opportunities to rebuild and create a safe and prosperous future.
Many groups such as government agencies, companies, non-profit organizations and friendly residents are working together to help Ukrainian refugees.
South Dakota has an ambitious plan to welcome more than 10,000 Ukrainian refugee families.
Багато людей переїжджають до Південної Дакоти через наш відкритий підхід до зростання та інклюзивності. Ми тут, щоб допомогти окремим особам, сім’ям і компаніям досягти успіху завдяки низьким податкам і різноманітним можливостям кар’єри та освіти.
Професійний розвиток можна здійснити в Південній Дакоті, зберігаючи здоровий баланс між роботою та особистим життям завдяки тому, що тут:
З населенням близько 880 000 чоловік Південна Дакота, відома своєю визначною пам’яткою горою Рашмор, займає 16-е місце за площею серед п’ятдесяти штатів. Його спільні цінності, міцна економіка та динамічний ринок праці сприяють вищій якості життя в штаті.
У Південній Дакоті незаймана природна пишнота гармонує з жвавою культурною сценою. Від прекрасних льодовикових озер до величних Блек-Хіллз, незайманої річки Міссурі та вражаючої гори Рашмор, штат демонструє дивовижне природне розмаїття на кожному кроці.
South Dakota is ranked the 3rd happiest state in the country, making it the perfect place to start a new life. Learn more about it on the SD Public Broadcasting website.
South Dakota is home to incredible sites and places. Enjoy outdoor activities and visit various attractions, including Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Badlands National Park, the Black Hills, the Missouri River, and other state parks, lakes, and trails.
Locals also enjoy fishing and hunting. Learn more about these opportunities.
Together, in the heart of South Dakota, we bring together sponsors, employers and freedom seekers. Freedom’s Haven fosters the collective power of communities working together in a spirit of generosity and collaboration. Join our mission and be a part of a state-wide effort where immigrants and refugees journey together towards hope, home, and growth.
It’s a fact. There are so many educated and talented Ukrainians who have been displaced from their country due to the invasion. Hundreds of thousands have landed in the US. Most of them have yet to discover the benefits of South Dakota. Many Ukrainians have ended up in places like New York and Los Angeles and discovered that these cities are not as they appear in the movies. Here’s a recent Bloomberg article about this problem.
South Dakota employers can benefit in this situation and help displaced Ukrainians. Freedom’s Haven is working on ways to encourage Ukrainians to move to South Dakota, by showing them that there are plenty of jobs here and that the cost of living is much lower than in most parts of the US, especially in a big city. Part of this is making connections between Ukrainians and South Dakota employers. To help us do this, please fill out the form on this page and hit “submit.”
Адреса: The Commons of Harmony Hill,
2527 Prairie Park Trail SE, Watertown, SD
Freedom’s Haven © All rights reserved. 2024